Cookie Policy

EAAP uses cookies to enhance your browsing experience on our website. By continuing to browse the site, you agree to our use of cookies. A cookie is a text file containing small amounts of information, which your device downloads when you visit a website. That cookie is then sent back to the website of origin on each subsequent visit, or to another website which recognises that cookie. They are not harmful to your devices. The cookies on this website are primarily used to recognize that a user has visited the website previously and to track user traffic patterns. We do not correlate this information with data about individual users, nor do we share this information or sell it to any third party.

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The cookies will remain on your computer after the browser is closed. Until removed, the cookies will become active again when the website is reopened. Cookies can be deleted by you, at any time, and will not collect any information when you are not accessing the website. You can choose whether to accept or block cookies at any time through the settings/preferences of your browser.

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